Sheepshead Create-A-Hat Contest
At Sheepshead we love making awesome Hats. Whether we're at the beach, tailgating, or the latest music festival we find inspiration for Hat design everywhere. These ideas lead to practical and unconventional designs that make up the Sheepshead lineup. Our fans are inspired by the same creative spirit. We constantly receive ideas, suggestions, and even drawings of Hats that our fans want included in the lineup. To foster that spirit of creativity, we're announcing the Sheepshead Create-A-Hat Contest! Sheepshead Fans can enter by choosing the Maxwell, Domeshtic, Umbra, Drop-Top, or Create-Your-Own Designs. We understand that everyone's artistic abilities are different. You can enter by printing out a blank copy and coloring it in physically (pencil, watercolor, crayon), or download the file and complete your design digitally (photoshop, illustrator, etc).
- First Round: (ends 7/20) Email your submissions to by July 20th. Sheepshead will select the Top 4 entries to move on to the Voting Round.
- Voting Round: Voting will begin for the Top 4 Sheepshead Create-A-Hat Contest Entries on our website. The Hat with the most amount of votes will be put into production and featured at
How to Enter?
- Review the Contest Rules and Agreement below
- Pick out the Sheepshead Hat you would like to create by clicking on a Hat below and downloading the coloring page file.
- If you are entering a physical design (pencil, watercolor, crayon) print out the coloring page to be completed. Once your design is complete, please take a photo of it or scan it for best results.
- If you are entering a digital design (photoshop, illustrator, etc) download the attached file and complete it on your computer.
- Be sure to include your name, your Hat's name, and a description about the Hat!
- Please send all Contest Entries via Email to
The Maxwell |
The Domeshtic |
The Umbra |
The Drop-Top |
Create Your Own |
- Top 4 Entries will receive a $50 Sheepshead Gift Card
- Contest Winner will Receive the Grand Prize Pack (Your Hat + Sheepshead Gear) and eternal fame on
Contest Rules and Agreement
- By submitting an entry, you agree to all of the Rules and Agreements for the Sheepshead Create-A-Hat Contest
- The Contest will take place between July 5th - August 9th, 2015
- 1 entry is allowed per-person
- Sheepshead will select the Top 4 submissions to move on to the voting round. The Winner of the Top 4 will go into production and be featured on
- Sheepshead has the right to change contest dates and format as they see fit.
- By participating, all entrants acknowledge and agree that they have entered the contest of their own free will, that the full rules and details of the contest have been made available to them in writing and they therefore understand and agree that Sheepshead has zero liability with respect to any damages out of acceptance and use of a prize.
- All submissions become the property of Sheepshead. Sheepshead has full rights to use and reproduce contest submissions for commercial purposes.
- By entering this contest, participants agree to be bound by these rules.