Sheepshead Create-A-Hat Contest: Voting Round

It wasn't easy, but we've selected the Final 4 Hats. Over the past month we've received several entries, and we would like to thank everyone for taking a little time to share their creativity with us. After much deliberation around Sheepshead HQ (and a random sampling on a trip to the Florida Keys) we have selected the Final 4 Hats. Voting begins now and ends on September 7th. Only 1 Vote is allowed per Email address. The Contest Winner will Receive the Grand Prize Pack (Your Hat + Sheepshead Gear) and eternal fame on Please take a minute to Vote for your Favorite!

Click HERE to Vote for your favorite!


Bahama Mama

By: Matt Henkes

When you wake up in this hat, everything is immediately 90 degrees and sunny. Get ready to slam some brewskis and throw back some tropical nectar in this sick party hat.

Electric Waves

By: Meghan Allred

Turn me on with your electric feel!


By: Shawn Madl

This bad boy is like putting the entire cosmos on the top of your dome-piece. Ever want to feel like Matthew McConaughey? Yep, so do we.

Jungle Cat

By: William Bachmann

The hat of choice for chillin' out maxin' and relaxin' all cool


Click HERE to Vote for your favorite!